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Chief Engineer

2 min read



Introducing Welcome Messages

welcome messages

new feature

We are proud to announce our new feature: Welcome Messages. Over the last couple of months we've been working on bits and pieces that are now slowly falling together, filling in the bigger picture. We've built blazingly fast image generation services and an incredibly powerful web editor, which both will be used for the release of this next big feature.

Strong Customization

With Hydra's implementation of Welcome Messages you will be able to go with customization as far as you can imagine it! At release we will already offer you two separate ways of sending a welcome message: the default way, or randomized! When selecting Random as your preferred mode, you will be able to create multiple designs and let the bot select one at random to increase the diversity of messages in your welcome messages channel.

Example of selecting the Random mode

Powerful Image Editor

Speaking of creating multiple designs - our powerful image editor got you covered! As a Premium subscriber you will be able to customize at-runtime-generated image templates like you would be using Photoshop™! You'll be able to integrate standard elements like images, text and shapes, but in addition to that you'll have the ability to use server-specific emojis (even animated ones!), add filters to your elements, change the color of texts and shapes and organize your elements with quick-action buttons!

Example of the powerful image editor

Well-Known Message Builder

Since a welcome message isn't just an image, you will not only be able to configure the location at which your custom-designed template will be placed when it's generated, but you'll also have the freedom to configure the entire message that is being sent! Our long-known message builder will be just perfect to allow users to create their own custom-styled messages.

Example of our well known message builder

Finally we would love to let you know that there is more to come! We've been putting countless hours into this in the last couple of months (especially the last handful of days) and are excited to integrate all of those great additions that we still have in mind and are continuously working on. The first release won't be perfect, nothing is at its first attempt. But we are counting on getting valuable feedback and bug reports from you guys, so feel free to join our support server and let us know about all the complications and problems you're encountering.
This feature will soon be in a premium-only early-access state as long as it will take for it to be mature enough to be released to the broader public. Thank you for understanding.


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